EJP RD – ERN Workshop: Psychological, molecular and administrative aspects of Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genetic population screening (HBOC GPS)
Posted on 16 February 2023

In the context of EJP RD’s ERN Workshops, a workshop entitled “Psychological, molecular and administrative aspects of Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer genetic population screening (HBOC GPS)” was organized by ERN GENTURIS member Arvids Irmejs from Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital.
ERN GENTURIS members Rolf Sijmons, Svetlana Lagercrantz, Hildegunn Høberg-Vetti, Jan Lubinski and Richarda de Voer contributed to the programme.
The in-person event took place on 27-28 April 2023 in Riga, Latvia.
Registration closed
on March 8th
This workshop is addressed to clinical geneticists, laboratory geneticists, breast surgeons, gynecologists, oncopsychologists, public health specialists, medical oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, pathologists – employees or affiliated to an ERN-Full Member or Affiliated Partner institution.
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