20240602 Workshop "Get2Gether – ERNs integration into National Health Systems”
This Get2gether was aimed at presenting and raising awareness about the presence and the usefulness of the European Reference Networks (integration of ERNs into the National healthcare Systems, implementation of ERNs guidelines in the National healthcare System, and transversal use of ERN Webinars by geneticists) and at promoting networking and professional connections among those clinically and academically interested in rare diseases.
Besides ERN GENTURIS coordinator Prof. Nicoline Hoogerbrugge and ERN GENTURIS member Prof. Carla Oliveira, contributions were made by Prof. Helene Dollfus, coordinator of ERN EYE, and Dr. Holm Graessner, coordinator ERN RND.
A general discussion with the audience occurred at the end of the presentations both in person and by asking poll-questions to the audience (both those who attend from home and those who were present). The workshop was attended live by 90 participants.
Workshop Title: Get2Gether – ERNs integration into National Health Systems
Date: June 2, 2024
Session type: Live Event
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