Upcoming trainings and courses
The EJP RD online course “Diagnosing Rare Diseases: from the Clinic to Research and back” is a joint effort from several partners, in particular ERN GENTURIS (represented by Dr Chrystelle Colas), ERN ITHACA and the Foundation for Rare Diseases. While primarily designed for medical students and PhD students/post-docs in biomedical sciences, this course is also of interest to Patient Advocacy Organisations’ representatives, Healthcare professionals and paramedics who want to further their knowledge of rare diseases diagnosis. The course includes mixed interviews, videos, and was made as interactive as possible. The course was initially online on the Future-learn platform between 26 April - 5 July 2021 and had 2.993 enrolments.
Due to the huge success, the course was relaunched in 2022 and is open for enrolment indefinitely from 18 April 2022 onwards. The content will remain freely available for 5 weeks after registration. In the period 18 April 2022 – 30 September 2023, there were 2.406 enrolments.
In autumn 2022 (September 19th - December 3rd) and Spring 2023 (May 1st to June 24th) “facilitation windows” were organized: specific time windows during which mentors (young researchers with backgrounds in genetics/oncology/bioinformatics) were present online to answer to participants’ questions and stimulate their learning process. Several learners particularly appreciated the possibility to interact with experts in the field and to get an answer to their questions, especially because the course was not face-to-face.
On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, the average score participants gave was a 4.8.
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