
Cancer Genetic Counseling and previvorship in an Era of Rapid Change

10_IgnacioBlanco_wbs.jpgDr. Ignacio Blanco is the Coordinator of the Spanish National Reference Center for Adult Patients with Facomatosis and the Spanish National Coordinator of GENTURIS. His research areas involve, among others, Neurofibromatosis and emotional aspects of genetic counseling in hereditary diseases.

This webinar will focus on Cancer Genetic Counseling and the concept of Previvorship in the Next Generation Sequencing Era. The last couple of decades have seen the rapid advancement of genomic technologies and their equally rapid adoption into clinical testing. Geneticists and Genetic counselors face new challenges and we will review some of the ethical, legal, and counseling issues surrounding disclosure of genetic information generated by NGS to patients with cancer and their relatives. Previvorship is a good example of these new challenges. Previvors are survivors of a predisposition to cancer who haven’t had the disease. Individuals with a predisposition to cancer have their own unique needs and concerns separate from the general population, but different from those already diagnosed with cancer