Project title:

Project leader:
Carla Oliveira, 3IS, Porto, Portugal

Project Description:
The main objective is to use specialized clinical knowledge in very rare hereditary tumour syndromes, clinical data from families with these diseases, and the experience of professionals and patients to estimate the cost-benefit of preventive interventions and reduce the risk of cancer. PREVENTABLE aims to outline guidelines for communication between clinical teams and between clinicians and patients. The ambition is to demonstrate that a European risk reduction strategy for patients with genturis , based on prevention and early diagnosis, will reduce the high mortality associated with these diseases and reduce the costs of health systems.

10 beneficiaries, of which 6 ERN GENTURIS members (Porto, Barcelona, Rouen, Radboudumc, Bergen, Bonn) participate.

Start date: 1 January 2023

Duration: 3 years