PTEN Jan 2020

Project title:

Cancer prognosis and treatment of PHTS patients

Project leader(s):

Dr. Janet Vos and Prof. Nicoline Hoogerbrugge, Radboudumc

Project Description:

The aim of this project is to assess the cancer-specific prognosis of PHTS patients, and to explore the effect of different treatments on the prognosis of PHTS patients.

This project is part of the INSPECT study: Investigation into PTEN-related cancer and phenotype. The INSPECT study is a retrospective cohort study with prospective follow-up via cancer registries and questionnaires. From this European PHTS cohort, all PHTS patients with cancer will be identified and included to assess the cancer prognosis of PHTS patients.

13 ERN GENTURIS centres have contributed already.

Start date: January 2020

Duration: 3.5 years

Funder: PTEN Research Foundation

Link study page: